Toothless teeth often interfere with self-confidence. If you experience it, the installation of artificial teeth can be an option to overcome them.
Of the many organs in the human body, teeth are the hardest part of the body. Adults generally have 32 teeth. The teeth play a role to chew food and help talk.
How to Overcome Toothless Tooth
Despite having a hard surface, teeth can also be infected with diseases, such as plaque, caries, cavities, and even date so that teeth are toothless. This condition often makes many people feel ashamed or inferior. To overcome toothless teeth, you can do a variety of dental care as follows:Using dentures
Dentures are the most popular choice for covering toothless teeth because of their relatively cheap price. In addition, dentures are also easy to clean because they can be removable. There are two types of dentures to choose from, namely complete denture (GTL) and partial denture (GTS).
GTL is intended for those who have no teeth at all, while GTS can be chosen by those who still have several natural teeth. Dentures are usually made of metal or plastic. The shape is adjusted to the curve of the jaw and the curve of the patient's gum to fit in the mouth
Dentures are very necessary, especially if toothless teeth make it difficult for you to chew food. In addition, dentures are also able to prevent facial muscles from sagging. Unfortunately, dentures are easily damaged or broken and may need to be replaced more often than other types of tooth replacement.
Using dental implants
If you feel uncomfortable using dentures, dental implants can be an alternative in overcoming toothless teeth, especially if the oral cavity is smaller and can no longer be installed dentures. Implants must be adjusted to the shape of the mouth and the position of other teeth, just like dentures.
The implant is inserted by inserting a titanium screw into the jawbone to support the dentures, bridges, or crowns of the teeth. Therefore, implants are usually more expensive, only used to replace one or several teeth and not necessarily suitable for all
Even so, the implant has a number of advantages, for example it can be used for years and helps prevent jaws from shrinking due to toothless teeth.
Installing a bridge
If you don't match the two options above, you can bridge to replace toothless teeth. In this method, the dentures are supported by two teeth next to them. The trick, the right and left tooth enamel of the gums that are missing is eroded so that the crown can be mounted.
Then, dentures are made which are flanked by two crowns. These dentures are then placed in the gums that have no teeth, and the crown is inserted into the left and right teeth that have been erased by the enamel. These dentures can be made of gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination of these materials.
Bridges can last up to 15 years or more without needing to be replaced with new ones. With conditions, must always maintain good oral hygiene and routinely check teeth regularly to the dentist.
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